Haveri (Karnataka): Upset over the rejection of his loan application, a man allegedly set the bank on fire in the Haveri district on Sunday. The accused has been arrested and a case has been registered at Kaginelli police station under Sections 436, 477, 435 of the Indian Penal Code, said the police According to the police, the accused wanted a loan and he approached the bank. However, the bank denied his loan application after the verification of documents.
Karnataka man sets bank on fire after his loan application was rejected
A Karnataka man allegedly set on fire a bank office in Karnataka’s Haveri district on Saturday, reportedly after his application for a loan was rejected.
Karnataka man sets bank on fire after his loan application was rejected
According to reports, the accused has been identified as Wasim Hazaratsab Mulla, a resident of Rattihalli town in the district, who had applied for a loan from the Canara Bank located at Hedigonda village within the jurisdiction of Kaginelli police. As he had low CIBIL score, the bank rejected his loan application recently.