Chamarajanagar (Karnataka):A man in Karnataka's Chamarajanagar district recently married his deceased friend's wife to prevent her from inflicting self-harm. Chetan Kumar (41) from Mullur village in Kollegala taluk and Ambika (30) from Hanoor town got married eight years ago. Kumar was employed at a private factory in Bengaluru but tragically died of COVID-19 during the second wave.
Man marries deceased friend's wife to prevent her from attempting suicide
Ambika went into depression and attempted to die by suicide after the demise of Kumar. During this time, Chetan Kumar's friend Lokesh, from Nanjadevanapura village in the district, consoled Ambika and decided to support his deceased friend's family. With permission from Chetan and Ambika's parents, Lokesh decided to marry her.
Soon after, Ambika went into depression and attempted to die by suicide after the demise of Kumar. During this time, Chetan Kumar's friend Lokesh, from Nanjadevanapura village in the district, consoled Ambika and decided to support his deceased friend's family. With permission from Chetan and Ambika's parents, Lokesh decided to marry her. Family members on both sides agreed to the wedding and the duo tied the knot at Sarpabhushana Shivayogi Mutt in Chamarajnagar on January 27.
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