Chitradurga (Karnataka):Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, prime accused in a rape case involving minor girls, says that the allegations against him are part of a conspiracy against him in the police grilling, sources said on Sunday. The accused seer has been grilled for a third consecutive day after the local court slammed authorities for giving preferential treatment and handed him over to police custody.
Sources explain that accused Swamiji will be grilled on the basis of the minor girl's statement before the court under CrPC Section 164. The police will also probe him in the atrocity case as well. Police said that the accused seer is answering questions patiently and taking his time to give his statements. He also maintained that he had not committed any mistakes and that allegations against him were part of a conspiracy against him.
The police sources explained that they are focusing on biological as well as technical evidence against the accused seer. Chitradurga SP Parashuram and investigation officer DySP Anil Kumar will grill him. Sources explained that the accused seer will be taken to mutt on Sunday to conduct mahazar process at the alleged scene of the crime.
The authorities have completed the process of mahazar by the victims.The accused seer will be produced before the court on Monday and he will be handed over to the judicial custody, police sources said. Meanwhile, the counsel of the accused seer has applied for bail on medical grounds and the local court will take a call over the matter.
The authorities had subjected the accused seer to medical tests which included a potency test. The police are looking out for other three accused persons including junior pontiff in connection with the sex scandal.(IANS)