Dakshina Kannada:In light of the Bajrang Dal activist's murder, a social media monitoring centre has been established at the Mangaluru Police Commissioner's office to monitor social media posts and accounts which cause communal disharmony or provoke people of coastal Karnataka region in any way.
With the Hijab row leading to several protests and subsequent arrests, provocative messages on social media has increased significantly, causing communal disharmony, even more so in the communally sensitive coastal region comprising Dakshina Kannada, Uttara Kannada and Udupi districts and Mangaluru city. The cell is already monitoring more than 1,000 social media accounts belonging to various religious, student, labour and political organisations, police said.
The Facebook page named 'Mangaluru Muslim' had put out a 'celebratory message' after the murder of Bajrang Dal activist Harsha in Shivamogga on Sunday night leading to public outrage. The police are looking into the issue and have launched an investigation.