Mangaluru (Karnataka):Bajrang Dal activists attacked a group of MMBS students retuning after a picnic in Mangaluru, the coastal city of Karnataka on Sunday. Police said five members of Bajrangal, the youth wing of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, have been arrested on the charges of moral policing. They have been booked under IPC Section 341 (punishment for wrongful restraint), and were released on bail. Police identified the accused as Preetham Shetty, Arshith, Srinivas, Rakesh and Abhishek.
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Six MBBS students, all studying in the same private college, had been to the beach in Malpe, a popular picnic spot in the neighbouring Udupi district. The students comprised men and women, belonging to two faiths. During their return, the Bajrang activists stopped their car near a check post, some 20km away from Mangaluru city and questioned them what faith they belonged to. Upon learning that the male students belonged to a certain community and the women from another, they allegedly assaulted the male members.
Traffic inspector Sharif rushed to the spot and prevented the situation from spiralling further, police said. "The complainants stated that they were returning from a picnic. All the students are studying in the same college. The accused claimed that the attack was carried out because they belonged to different religions," Mangaluru Police Commissioner N Shashi Kumar said. Democratic Youth Federation of India expressed outrage over granting bail to the accused and demanded that they be re-arrested.
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