Doddaballapur (Karnataka): A family in Doddaballapur Taluk in Karnataka is facing an acute financial crisis as four of its members are not getting any jobs because of being dwarfs. Four out of the nine family members of the family, residing in the Kanakenahalli colony area, are not only being allegedly deprived of jobs because of their physical condition but were also forced to drop out of school as they were being ridiculed by their friends.
According to the family members, the elder sister Bailamma who is the sole bread earner of the family is unable to work properly as she had fractured her hand in an accident. Their parents Muttarayappa and Hanumakka have seven children out of whom three are dwarfs and another woman member of the family is also a dwarf. With their parents being unable to do any work due to old age and their elder sister Bailamma fracturing her hand, earning their livelihood has become even more difficult for them.