Bengaluru: Karnataka Police Chief Monday refuted a foreign journalist's claim that the Bajrang Dal activist killed in Shivamogga Sunday night was a 'terrorist' whose organisation was involved in attacks on Muslims in Tripuralast year. CJ Werleman, a journalist who also identifies himself as an 'activist against Islamophobia', tweeted: "A terrorist belonging to the Hindu extremist group Bajrang Dal, which carried out a wave of terrorist attacks against Muslims in Tripura in November, was killed in Karnataka - last night."
Karnataka DGP, Pravin Sood, refuted Werleman's claims and said the slain had no connection with terrorism or the Tripura violence. "This is absolutely false. There is no connection of death to either terrorism or Tripura," the DGP tweeted on his official Twitter handle.
Tripura violence
In October last year, workers of right-wing groups carried out attacks on minorities in Tripura in response to the violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. Workers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the parent organisation of Bajrang Dal, were accused of torching shops and vandalising a mosque in the north-eastern state.