Koppal (Karnataka):A Dalit man was stopped from entering the temple and was fined in Karnataka's Koppal district. A case has been filed and the accused are absconding, according to the police. This is the second incident in the Koppal district in this month. On Sept. 4, a Dalit family was penalized after their child entered the temple.
On Sept. 16, a Dalit man was stopped by the temple management when he entered Lakshmi Devi temple in Naganakal village of Karatagi taluk. The man was fined Rs 11,000. The incident came to light on Sept. 24 after the incident became viral on social media.
Accused who stopped the Dalit young man for entering the temple in Koppal were absconded, said Yallappa, PSI of Karatagi police station. Social Welfare Department officials visited the village and interacted with the victim. Fearing consequences, the victim had earlier claimed that he has given a donation to the temple.
Taluk Social Welfare Dept officer Tughleppa Desai said there was confusion about the victim being fined Rs 11,000. "The victim lied that he donated the money to the temple. When we went and spoke to villagers, we realized that he had paid the money as the fine amount. The police department is probing further", he said.