Bengaluru (Karnataka): In a high drama at the Karnataka assembly, the newly elected Congress MLA Srinivas Mane was not able to take oath on Thursday. Speaker waited for the Congress leader and all Congress party men waited for the speaker leaving Srinivas Mane high and dry at the end of the day.
The oath-taking ceremony of the newly-elected Congress MLA Srinivas Mane from Hanagal and BJP MLA Ramesh Bhusanur from Sindagi was organized at the Conference Hall of Vidhana Soudha at 11 am. The Assembly Speaker Vishweshwar Hegade Kageri administered the oath to Ramesh Bhusanur first.
Meanwhile, Mane came to the speaker and requested him to grant two minutes permission to go out. KPCC President D K Shivakumar was stuck in the traffic and the anxious Mane wanted to take oath in the presence of Shivakumar. Mane did not come back even after the speaker waited more than 10 minutes. Irked, Kageri directed officials to end the program and to tell Mane to take oath at the Speaker's office.