Haveri (Karnataka): Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Saturday handed over a cheque of Rs 25 lakh to the family of Naveen Shekharappa, an MBBS student who died in shelling in war-torn Ukraine. The Chief Minister also promised a job for a family member of Naveen. CM Bommai visited Naveen’s residence in Chalageri village in Ranebennuru Taluk of Haveri district and conveyed his condolences to the family. He has also promised to provide employment to Naveen's elder brother.
"Efforts are being made to bring the body of Naveen from Ukraine and we are in touch with the Union Foreign Minister. We are not able to bring the dead body amidst continuous attacks. Sincere efforts have been made to bring Naveen's body as soon as possible," CM Bommai told the media.