Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai was in tears after watching the movie "777 Charlie" starring Rakshit Shetty. According to the film crew, the movie written and directed by Kiranraj K, is about a dog entering into the life of the protagonist, who is stuck in a rut with his negative and lonely lifestyle, and giving him a new perspective.
Complimenting the emotional storyline and screenplay of the movie, Bommai on Monday night said, "Rakshit Shetty's character and his acting is superb, it is not easy to play this character. Acting while complementing the feelings of Charlie (the dog) and stitching both the emotions is superb. This film synchronises with emotions, especially of a dog, who expresses its emotions so gracefully just from its eyes." Further reiterating that the movie is a must-watch, the CM said, "I always say it is unconditional love, which is pure. This cinema has brought out purity in love through Rakshit Shetty and Charlie."
The movie team, also excited about the success of the movie, said, "We run out of words to express our gratitude. We are beyond grateful to see Shri. B S Bommai, honourable Chief Minister of Karnataka for accepting our film with so much love." Last year, videos and pictures of Bommai flanked by family members bidding farewell to his dog Sunny' by reaching down to kiss and wiping his eyes with a handkerchief just ahead of the pet's last rites were to be performed, had gone viral on social media.