Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa on Tuesday flagged off a 'Kisan' Rail service to New Delhi, with 250-tonne mangoes from Chintamani in Kolar district from the Yelahanka railway station here."Kisan Rail service plays a vital role in providing the best price for farmers' produce and enables them to get access to distant markets to increase their income," Yediyurappa said on the occasion.
The Indian Railways had launched the 'Kisan' Rail service across the country in August 2020 to benefit the farmers and traders of agricultural products and exporters, who were affected by the pandemic since April last year. The Railways is giving 50 per cent subsidy in freight rates for transporting farm goods, including foodgrains, vegetables and fruits in the Kisal Rail service.
"The subsidised freight rate enables the farmers to transport their goods at less than the cost they incur on trucks besides saving time in covering the distance," a South Western Railway (SWR) zone official said. The zonal railway has ferried about 1,250 tonnes of mangoes from Chikballapur and Kolar districts in five Kisan Rail services since June 6.
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