Bengaluru(Karnataka):Karnataka government is all set to establish the 'anchor bank' to meet the financial needs of women's self-help groups, said Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Friday while inaugurating the 10-day 'National Sanjeevini Saras Mela' at National College Grounds organized by National Rural and Urban Livelihood Campaign. Before inaugurating, the CM went around the stalls in the fair and purchased a saree for his wife by paying Rs 2500. He appreciated the weavers and artisans for the attractive products on sale.
Bommai said the anchor bank will ensure the financial help within a one-month duration thus enabling the women's self-help groups entrepreneurs to commence their work at the earliest. An amount of Rs 500 cr grant has been provided in the budget to strengthen Women's Self Help Groups which are estimated to create four lakh women economically self-reliant.