Dakshina Kannada: A member of the Dakshina Kannada Kambala committee involved in the famous buffalo race in Karnataka has filed a complaint against three including 'Usain Bolt of Kambala' Srinivas Gowda for allegedly creating fake records in order to get lakhs of rupees as donations and thereby cheating the general public. The owner of Kambala buffaloes, Lokesh Shetty, has filed a complaint with the station officer of Moodbidri.
In his complaint, Lokesh alleged that fake records were created to get lakh of rupees in donations and thereby cheating the public. Besides Gowda, Lokesh has named Gunapala Kadamba of Kambala Academy and Ratnakar, owner of Sky Weave organization which announces the results of the high octane buffalo race through laser beam as the other accused in his complaint.
The complaint further said that Gunapala Kadamba has created several fake records in the name of Srinivasa Gowda, who is said to have got trained in Kambala academy and has cheated fans of Kambala, media, people representatives, and the public. All the three accused have got lakh of donations from the government and public sector without keeping any account, Lokesh alleged.
He said that the third accused in the case-Ratnakar-has colluded with Gunapala and Srinivas Gowda in all their misdeeds and without any authorized recognition, he has intentionally given a verdict in order to cheat the public. "It is confirmed through a video that went viral a few months ago about life threats to people who raised voices against this cheating. Due to these accused, the fame and prestige of Kambala are in the doldrums. Young racers have lost the resolve to compete," alleged Lokesh.