Bengaluru:Karnataka police have cracked the luxury cars burning incident at three-time BJP MLA Satish Reddy's residence and arrested three youths. Late Friday after the arrests, the accused confessed before the police that their actions were fuelled by their hatred towards the "prosperity of some people".
Bandepalya Naveen, 22, Garvebaavipalya Sagar, 19, and Begur Sridhar, 20, who were arrested have been unemployed and one of them have even been involved in bike lifting incidents while another one is a drug addict, according to the police.
The accused have told police that they saw Satish Reddy using big luxury cars and they envied his wealth. Sagar, who is from Nepal even tried to approach Reddy to seek a job. However, security personnel never allowed him to meet Reddy. The accused told the police that they decided to burn the cars to teach a lesson to the so-called rich and powerful. They had jumped a 10 feet high compound wall to commit the crime. They had burgled a bike after the incident.
All three come from below poverty line families. One of the accused got his leg burnt while torching cars and police could trace them after going through CCTV footage in the area.