Shivamogga (Karnataka): Police have detained twelve more people so far in connection with the alleged murder of a 23-year-old Bajrang Dal activist on Sunday in Karnataka's Shivamogga. The situation in the Shivamogga district of Karnataka continued to be tense on Tuesday amid prohibitory orders. Reserve forces have been called in and senior police officers are stationed in the district to monitor the situation. The prohibitory orders are in place till February 23. The twelve persons have been taken into custody for interrogation.
"Three have already been arrested and police are questioning them. We are examining whether the incident has taken place against the backdrop of hijab row or any communal organisation is involved in it," state Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said here on Tuesday. "We are looking into who sponsored the murder by giving financial assistance and who provided the vehicles. The police have been asked to investigate the matter thoroughly. Murders like this should stop with Harsha's case. This case would be taken to the logical end," he added.
"Police have also been asked not to arrest the innocent. Whoever is involved, they should be caught. Senior police officers are stationed here to monitor the investigation and situation. I thank the Shivamogga people for maintaining calm and peace after our appeals. Action will also be initiated against those indulging in stone-pelting," he further said.