New Delhi: Over a fortnight after Shehbaz Sharif became Pakistan's new prime minister, India on Thursday said there is no change in its approach to engaging with the neighbouring country, asserting that the onus is on Islamabad to create an environment free of terror for talks. External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi also said that the terror attack in Karachi only underlined the need for all countries to take an "undifferentiated" position against terrorism and that India condemns all such attacks.
Bagchi strongly rejected Sharif's comments describing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to Kashmir as "staged" and said Pakistan has no locus standi to comment on it. Asked about the terror attack in the University of Karachi, Bagchi said India's stand against all forms of terrorism has been "steadfast". "Our stance against all forms of terrorism anywhere has been steadfast and consistent. We have been condemning (them). This particular incident only underlines the need for all countries to take an undifferentiated position against terrorism," he said at a weekly media briefing.
Three Chinese language teachers and their local driver were killed in a suicide bombing at the University of Karachi on Tuesday. Asked whether India's position on engaging with Pakistan is changing, Bagchi said there is no change to it. "Our approach is very simple. There should be an atmosphere free of terrorism; then only talks can take place. There was an exchange of courtesy letters between the two prime ministers. It is our legitimate demand that there is an environment free of terror," he said. The MEA spokesperson said without such an environment, talks cannot take place, adding "there is no change in our approach".
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