New Delhi: The Kerala Union of Working Journalists (KUWJ), has moved to the Supreme Court challenging the detention of Kerela reporter Siddique Kappan and also refuted the claims of Uttar Pradesh government alleging Kappan to be part of banned Popular Front of India(PFI) and going to Hathras to create unrest there.
The union has also alleged that journalist Kappan was “beaten thrice and subjected to mental torture during custody”.
In a counter-affidavit filed in the apex court, the KUWJ has claimed that Uttar Pradesh Police has made an “absolutely false and incorrect statement” that Kappan is the office secretary of Popular Front of India (PFI) as he is working as a journalist only.
“Accused Siddique Kappan specifically requested the lawyer to make a request to this court to permit him to undergo narco-analysis test or brain mapping test or lie detector test or any other scientific test to show that he/the accused is innocent,” it said.
The counter-affidavit was filed days after Uttar Pradesh had filed an affidavit in the apex court claiming that Kappan was going to Hathras under the “garb of journalism” with a “very determined design” to create caste divide and disturb law and order situation.
The state has alleged in its affidavit that Kappan is the office secretary of PFI and was using a “journalist cover” by showing identity card of a Kerela-based newspaper which was closed in 2018.
The apex court is hearing KUWJ’s plea which has questioned Kappan''s arrest and has sought his release on bail.
In its rejoinder affidavit, KUWJ has alleged that state filed a “misleading affidavit, misrepresenting the facts in order to justify their illegal and unlawful detention and malicious prosecution” of Kappan and there are no materials to support the allegations against him.
“It is submitted that the accused is in no way connected with Popular Front either directly or indirectly or any of its activities in his life. He is from a humble family, working as a journalist from Delhi,” it said, adding that plea filed by KUWJ in the apex court is maintainable.
Seeking Kappan’s release from the alleged “illegal and unlawful detention”, it said that the apex court should appoint a retired judge of the top court to conduct a judicial inquiry in the matter.
“A bare reading of the FIR reveals the fact that the ingredients of the offence are not made out and the accused is innocent,” it said, adding, “Nothing can justify the act of the respondent in keeping the accused all away from his family for 29 days from the date of arrest.”