Mumbai (Maharashtra):Pursuant to the Bombay High Court, Actor Kangana Ranaut was supposed to appear before the Mumbai police at Khar police station on Wednesday in connection with the investigation of FIR filed against her for her Instagram post with alleged derogatory remarks made against Sikhs.
However, she will not be appearing at the Khar police station on Wednesday. She has cited the reason that she is not going to be in Mumbai on Wednesday, informed her lawyer Advocate Rizwan Siddiquee.
Ranaut was supposed to appear at Khar police station on Wednesday to record her statement.
Earlier on December 13, Bombay High Court asked actor Kangana Ranaut to appear before Mumbai Police on December 22 for investigation of an FIR registered against her for her Instagram post with alleged derogatory remarks made against Sikhs.
Maharashtra government had agreed not to take any coercive action against her till January 25, the next date of hearing.