Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut appeared before the Mumbai Police on Thursday in connection with an FIR registered against her for a social media post that allegedly linked farmers' protests to a separatist group, her lawyer said.
Ranaut reached the Khar police station around 11 am. An FIR was registered there against her last month following a complaint by a Sikh organisation. Her lawyer Rizwan Sidiquee said she reached the police station to record her statement.
The police earlier this month issued a notice to her for questioning. Her counsel had told the Bombay High Court that she would appear before the Khar police on December 22.
However, on Wednesday, her lawyer sought another date for appearance.
The city police had earlier told the HC that they would not arrest Ranaut till January 25, 2022 over her social media post that allegedly linked farmers' protests to a separatist group. The police had made the statement after the high court said the issue involved the larger question of Ranaut's fundamental right to free speech and that the court would have to grant her some ad-interim relief.