New Delhi:After calling the goddess Kaali a 'meat-eating and alcohol-accepting Goddess', the TMC MP Mahua Moitra has reiterated her stance, further challenging the BJP and its supporters to prove her wrong. Speaking to a private media channel, Moitra on Wednesday said she stands by her statement, posing a direct challenge to the BJP to prove her claim wrong.
Citing that the Goddess is frequently worshipped with offerings of meat and alcohol in West Bengal, Moitra alleged that the BJP is basing its objections against the posters on its very limited notions of Hinduism. She further claimed that the BJP has been trying to impose a 'monolithic, North-centric, Brahmanical and patriarchal idea of the Hindu religion' and the objections being raised on the documentary poster with goddess Kaali smoking is just a part of this faulty narrative.
"I challenge the BJP to prove what I am saying to be wrong. Wherever in Bengal they file a case against me, they will find a Kaali temple at a distance of 5 kms where the goddess is worshipped with meat and alcohol. I would like to see them initiate action against me in my state," she said in an interview.
Further giving examples of several such temples in other states, Moitra said that there are ample temples across the country that she can use as strong proof. "Temples like the Kaal Bhairav temple of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, and the Kamakhya temple are concrete proofs of my claim. I know for a fact I am not wrong and I challenge anyone who thinks they can prove me wrong to do so," she said in an interview.