Lucknow: An Allahabad High court judge withdrew himself on Wednesday from a bench hearing the bail plea of Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish Mishra Monu in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case. Justice Rajeev Singh of the Lucknow bench of the High Court, who had granted bail to Ashish Mishra earlier, recused himself from hearing it again after the Supreme Court canceled his bail order last week on April 18.
While canceling Mishra’s bail, the Supreme Court had also asked the High Court to decide his bail plea afresh and the plea came up for hearing before Justice Singh’s bench. But he recused himself from hearing it afresh. Justice Singh, however, gave no reason for withdrawing himself from the single-judge bench hearing the bail plea.
The next hearing of the bail plea too was not scheduled and it would be fixed for the next hearing after the constitution of a new bench to hear it, a court official said.
Ashish Mishra had been arrested in the October 3 Lakhimpur Kheri violence case in which eight people, including four farmers and a journalist, were killed and several others were injured when a convoy of SUVs, including a Thar allegedly owned by Ajay Mishra, had run over a group of protesting farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri.