Dhanbad (Jharkhand): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has intensified its investigations in connection with Dhanbad Judge Uttam Anand death case. The probe team, which has been stationed in Dhanbad for several days, has been collecting evidences pertaining to the incident. On Sunday, the CBI again reached the spot near Randhir Verma Chowk, where an auto rickshaw knocked the judge down, and recreated the crime scene. On Saturday, too, the CBI team had recreated the scene.
On Sunday, the CBI team brought the auto-driver, the co-accused in the case, to the crime scene and 360-degree photography was conducted with a special 3D camera.
On July 28, Judge Uttam Anand was out on a morning jog when an auto-rickshaw hit him, killing him on the spot. On the same day, a CCTV video emerged, in which it was clearly seen that the auto went sideways in a suspicious state and hit Judge Uttam Anand. An FIR was lodged against the then unknown auto driver at Dhanbad's Sadar police station on the basis of a statement given by judge Anand's wife.