Srinagar (J&K): Jammu and Kashmir police on Saturday claimed to have arrested 13 persons accused of raising anti-national slogans during Friday prayers at Srinagar's Jamia Masjid. “Yesterday afternoon, there were Friday prayers in Jamia Masjid wherein a huge number of gathering took place, around 24,000 persons attended the Friday prayers, which is among largest in recent history,” police said in a statement.
The statement further reads: "After the culmination of the prayers, about a dozen persons started anti-national and provocative sloganeering for while, this was joined by a couple of others as well, while most of the gathering remained aloof. There was also an altercation between the persons indulging in sloganeering and the volunteers of Intezamia committee of Jamia Masjid who tried to stop such sloganeering and hooliganism."
They informed that the hooligans, after being forced to leave the mosque by volunteers, tried to provoke the crowd by sloganeering, and within the next two to three minutes they fled the spot after seeing police personnel around. Two main instigators of the act, the statement said, were identified as Basharat Nabi Bhat and Manzoor Sheikh, both residents of Nowhatta.