Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir government on Thursday ordered the transfer of several senior officers, including few deputy commissioners. The transfers were effected through three separate orders. In the first order, the government posted Transport Commissioner Bhupinder Kumar as the Administrative Secretary in the Health and Medical Education Department. Anantnag Deputy Commissioner Piyush Singla was posted as the Administrative Secretary in General Administration Department (GAD). GAD Secretary Rahul Sharma will now be the Transport Commissioner.
In a separate order, the government posted IRS officer Alok Kumar, who is currently Principal Secretary in the Youth, Services and Sports Department, as Principal Secretary in the School Education Department. Kumar replaces Bishwajit Kumar Singh who was recently promoted as Additional Director General of Forests. Kumar shall also hold the charge of Estates Department, the order read. In another order, the government asked Kumar to also hold the charge of Administrative Secretary, Civil Aviation Department and Civil Aviation Commissioner, in addition to his own duties, till further orders.
Bipul Pathak, Principal Resident Commissioner, J-K Government, New Delhi, was transferred and posted as Director General, Jammu and Kashmir Institute of Management, Public Administration and Rural Development, replacing Saurabh Bhagat who was posted as Commissioner/Secretary to the Government, Science and Technology Department. Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, Commissioner/Secretary to the Government, Revenue Department, shall also hold the charge of Principal Resident Commissioner, J-K Government, New Delhi, in addition to his own duties, till further orders, the order said.