New Delhi:Mahesh Poddar, BJP's Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand, said on Monday that the Central Government had started work towards bringing students from the state, who were stranded in Ukraine, back to India. He also said that Prime Minister was working towards this end with diplomats and friendly nations.
"In the initial days, it took some time to set up the system. Despite the war-like situation, students have started coming back to India. Jharkhand students, too, will return in a safe, secure manner," Poddar said.
Also read:India urges stranded students to head to Railway Station as curfew lifted in Kyiv
Stranded students from the state are at the moment returning via Hungary. The Jharkhand government has issued a helpline number for those returning from Ukraine and their families, where they can share their issues.
As per officials concerned, more than 100 calls were received since Friday night regarding evacuation. The state administration has additionally stated that it will be reimbursing those who financed their journeys from Ukraine back to India.