Ranchi: The Jharkhand High Court on Friday directed the government to explain under what circumstances was the class 12 girl, who was allegedly set on fire for refusing the advances of a man, brought from Dumka to Ranchi for treatment. Hearing a suo moto PIL, a division bench of Chief Justice Ravi Ranjan and Justice Sujit Narayan Prasad directed DGP Neeraj Sinha to inform the court about the severity of her burn injuries.
Jharkhand HC asks govt why Dumka girl was brought to Ranchi for treatment
The class 12 girl was set on fire on August 23 allegedly by one Shahrukh for spurning his advances. She succumbed to the injuries on August 28, triggering widespread outrage.
The girl was set on fire on August 23 allegedly by one Shahrukh for spurning his advances. She succumbed to the injuries on August 28, triggering widespread outrage. The court also directed the Centre to inform it about the status of AIIMS-Deoghar, and whether it has a burn ward. The distance between Dumka and Deoghar is 60 km, while the distance between Dumka and Ranchi is 290 km. Following the incident, the girl was admitted to a local hospital from where she was referred to Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Ranchi. She succumbed to her injuries there. (PTI)