New Delhi:Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Friday launched the Jharkhand Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion Policy 2021 during the two-day Investors' Summit in Delhi. The policy paved the way for the investment of Rs 10,000 crore from investors.
Talking to reporters, Soren said that the industrial policy was upgraded after they received suggestions from various quarters. He also said that the Jharkhand government is primarily working in reforming the system.
He also said that the government is there to fulfil the dreams of the people who have believed in the industries in the state. We have immense potential in the tourism and education sector in Jharkhand, Soren added.
He also said that they are also working in the fields of automobile, food processing, pharma etc and they will soon come up with a big project in renewable energy.
The country's largest floating solar plant is going to be set up in our state, which will generate electricity on a large scale, he added. Many big companies will soon invest Rs 10,000 crore in Jharkhand. With this, 20,000 youth will get direct employment while 1.5 lakh will get indirect employment.
Dalmia Bharat Company on Friday signed an MoU with the Jharkhand government for setting up a new cement grinding unit in Bokaro, besides investing about Rs 758 crore in solar power plant and solid waste management unit.