Ranchi: The Jharkhand BJP on Saturday held a top-level meeting to chalk out the plan for the 'Seva Pakhwada' to be run by the party from September 17 to October 2. The state office bearers, core committee and presidents of all the districts of the party are participating in this meeting chaired by BJP State President Deepak Prakash.
Legislature party leader Babulal Marandi, Minister of State for Education Annapurna Devi and Regional Organization General Secretary Nagendra and Organization Minister Karmaveer are also participating in this meeting. Besides brainstorming on the Seva Pakhwada preparations, the meeting is also expected to discuss the current political situation in Jharkhand.
The party is also expecting to strengthen the organizational set up with the meeting. The central leadership is engaged in working on the state leadership with a big change made at the organization level in the party late in the evening on Friday. Senior BJP leader Laxmikant Vajpayee has been appointed as the state in-charge of Jharkhand while Asha Lakra has also been made co-in-charge of West Bengal.