New Delhi:Janata Dal (United) MP Sunil Kumar Pintu has slammed the opposition parties in Bihar for falsely accusing the Bihar Government of being complicit in hiding the Covid death toll scam. The Bihar government had formed a committee to find out the exact death toll in the state from Covid-19. The JDU leader said the members of that committee went to several villages and blocks to find out how many people have died due to Covid in the state. People in the villages were reluctant to reveal the names of the people who died due to Covid-19. However, the Bihar government has announced a payment of four lakh rupees to the families of those who have died due to Covid-19.
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He added that after the report of the committee, the real number of deaths due to Covid-19 in Bihar is now known. The government wants to financially help the families of the Covid-19 deceased, so it is collecting the real data through the committee. The government has never been hiding any figures. It was revealed after the committee report that about 9,435 people have died of Covid-19 in Bihar.