Bengaluru: Indicating his party's support to BJP-led NDA's candidate for presidential polls Droupadi Murmu, JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy on Wednesday said a final decision on this will be arrived at soon after going through the background of the two candidates in the fray. The former Karnataka chief minister said Murmu has spoken to JD(S) patriarch and former prime minister H D Deve Gowda seeking support and has also sought an appointment to meet him personally.
"Already she (Murmu) has discussed with our national president (Gowda) over phone twice and has requested for support. Also, she had sought time to come and meet. I requested our national President that there is no need for her to come personally in the current situation," Kumaraswamy said.
Speaking to reporters here, he said Murmu already has the majority on her side and she has expressed her desire to seek Gowda's support out of goodwill and generosity.
"She has already won...she need not come so far...we will decide in the party...You (media) may have understood by now what our decision might be. Before taking a final decision, we will look into the background of both candidates. There is no question of Congress or BJP or any B-team here," he said, adding that he has gone through Murmu's background and her struggle.