New Delhi: The central government on Saturday informed the Delhi High Court that the 'Jana Gana Mana' and 'Vande Mataram' both stand on the same level and every citizen of the country should show equal respect to both. The response of the Centre has been filed in a Public Internet Litigation (PIL) that prayed for parity of treatment between the National Anthem and National Song and also to frame guidelines for the National Song 'Vande Mataram' giving it the same honour and status at par with the National Anthem of India.
Earlier the Delhi High Court had sought a response from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Law and Justice and others on the PIL. The plea also sought direction to the Centre and State Governments to ensure that 'Jana-Gana-Mana' and 'Vande Mataram' are played and sung in all schools and educational institutions on every working day and also to frame guidelines in the spirit of the Constituent Assembly resolution dated January 24, 1950, read with the Judgment passed by the Madras High Court and Supreme Court of India.
The petitioner Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, practising lawyer and BJP leader stated that India is a Union of States and not an association or confederation of States. There is only one nationality i.e. Indian and it is the duty of every Indian to respect 'Vande Mataram'. In order to keep the country united, it is the duty of the Government to frame a National Policy to promote-propagate Jana Gana Mana and Vande Mataram. There is no reason why it should evoke any other sentiment as both are decided by Constitution makers.