Bhopal:A case has been registered at the Govindpura Police Station of Bhopal after a woman from Jammu Kashmir, who was tricked to get married to a Pakistan-based man, ran away to the city after he forced her to travel with him to Dubai. Speaking about the incident, Bhopal's Additional DCP Zone 2, Rajesh Singh Bhadoria, said the woman, Riyanka, who is originally from Udhampur in Jammu, came to know that her spouse hailed from Pakistan, following her marriage on December 2, 2022.
"After the matter came to light, her husband, identified as one Roshan, started trying to force her to leave for Dubai with him. She subsequently ran away to Bhopal, and started living with a friend" Bhadoria stated. Subsequently, aided by a lawyer, the victim and her friend lodged a police complaint on January 9 at the Urja Mahila Help Desk in Govindpura.