Jammu: A group of Aam Aadmi Party workers staged protests to boycott the all-party meet called by Jammu and Kashmir Chief Electoral Officer Hardesh Kumar at the Nirwachan Bhavan here on Monday. Representatives of regional as well as national political parties were invited to participate in this meeting primarily focused on the ongoing dispute over giving voting rights to non-local residents in the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections and to discuss summary reforms of electoral rolls. Meanwhile, members of parties NCP, PDP, Congress, and BJP participated in the meeting.
The meeting was held after Hardesh Kumar Singh created a stir among several political parties in August when he declared that around 20-25 lakh new voters are expected to be added to the voters' list this year. He clarified that the new inclusions would constitute people above the age of 18, as well as the students, labourers, employees and non-residents who are ordinarily residing in the region.