Amritsar (Punjab): At an emotionally charged event, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Saturday inaugurated the Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Memorial Park, the second of its kind, in the memory of all those martyred in the massacre of 13th April 1919. With the families of many martyrs looking on, Singh said while the first memorial had been built to remember people who were known to have been killed in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, this second memorial was a tribute to all those unknown martyrs who laid down their lives in the massacre.
"Nobody knows the exact number of lives lost. Though the Deputy Commissioner (DC) office has the names of only 448 who fell to the bullets of the British led by General Dyer who fired on the orders of the then Governor of Punjab Michael O' Dwyer, with 1,250 bullets fired on that day, the number would have actually run in thousands," the Punjab Chief Minister said, adding that the memorial spans over 1.5 acres and has been built at a cost of Rs 3.5 crore. Soil from villages around the state was brought to the site at Amrit Anand Park, Ranjit Avenue, for the construction of the memorial.
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The Chief Minister said that a Special Research Team of historians and research scholars have been constituted by Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) for carrying out research on martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh and freedom fighters who were imprisoned at Cellular Jail, Port Blair. Once the research is completed, the names of more martyrs might be discovered, he said, adding that sufficient space has been kept on the columns of the memorial to incorporate more names in the future. Currently, the names of the officially known 488 martyrs have been inscribed on the black and grey granite stone walls of the memorial.