New Delhi: In a bid to make the Jal Shakti Abhiyan successful, the Minister of State for Jal Shakti Rattan Lal Kataria has sought the support and participation of all MPs. The minister wrote personal letters to all the MPs of both houses, asking them to support the ongoing “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch The Rain” campaign in their respective constituencies and states.
Launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of world water day on March 22, 2021, the campaign aims at tapping rainwater by constructing artificial recharge structures, revitalizing existing ponds and water bodies, creating new water bodies, provisioning check dams, rejuvenating wetlands and rivers before the onset of monsoon.
Kataria's letter provided details about the campaign to the MPs and also informed them about the progress already made. Kataria asked the MPs to become brand ambassadors for the campaign and help in sensitizing the people to conserve rainwater during the upcoming monsoon season.“We all must come together and rise above the party lines to address the common problem of depleting groundwater levels and water scarcity, in public interest.” Kataria added.