Jajpur: Ahead of Raksha Bandhan, girl students of Chitola College of Odisha's Jajpur district have sent handmade Rakhi to the soldiers deployed on various border posts of the country. According to sources, the students sent the rakhis by post to celebrate the festival in a unique manner.
The relationship between brother and sister is unique. Rakhi Poornima strengthens this unique relationship. A sister waits for a year to tie a rakhi on her brother’s hand. This is not possible in the case of the soldiers who are in charge of national security. They have to give up many things just to serve the country.
Also read:Siblings separated during partition hopeful of reunion on Raksha Bandhan
Realizing this, the unique program was organized in the Jenapur area of the Jajpur district. The students made over 500 rakhis with their own hands and sent them to the headquarters of the Indian Army. At this time, a glimpse of patriotism was seen among the students.
The students reached the post office in a procession carrying the national flag and singing the national anthem. There they handed over the rakhi packets to the postal worker. Reportedly, the rakhis will reach the soldiers posted in Siachen, Kashmir, and Kargil.