Hyderabad: In less than 24 hours after the World Bank Group announced that it ended publication of its "Doing Business" report on country investment climates after a probe of data irregularities citing "undue pressure" by top bank officials, including then Chief Executive Kristalina Georgieva, to boost China's ranking in 2017, senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh Friday turned up the heat on Union government saying "if they start an Ease of Fudging Data Index, Mr. Modi’s so-called 'New India' will top the charts!"
The Congress leader tweeted: World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index was among the few global indices where India’s rank post-2014 was proclaimed as rising. Now the exercise has been found bogus & discontinued.
If they start an Ease of Fudging Data Index,Mr.Modi’s so-called ‘New India’ will top the charts!