New Delhi:Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who is arrested in connection with an extortion case worth Rs 200 crore while being lodged in jail, has been on a hunger strike since May 4, demanding frequent audience with his wife Leena Maria Paul who is also jailed in the same case, said a senior official from Prisons department.
Sukesh is at present kept on intravenous (IV) fluids. Despite the jail officials trying to make him understand the legalities, the remand prisoner continues his stir. A special team keeps a tab on his vital parameters. We will inform the court about his stir, the official added.
The prison manual provides for intra-jail meetings of prisoners twice a month. Sukesh has been insisting that he be allowed to meet his wife more frequently. This is his second bout of hunger stir within a month's span. The prisoner has lost about 5 kg due to his stir, the official said.