Chennai:Armed security personnel have been deployed at the residence of Tamil Actor Suriya at his T Nagar residence in Chennai, on Wednesday, following a threat call by Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) Mayiladuthurai district secretary Palanisamy for allegedly 'tarnishing' the reputation of Vanniyar community in Jai Bhim movie.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu police also booked Paatali Makkal Katchi (PMK) functionary Palanisamy who allegedly announced a cash reward of Rs 1 lakh for attacking the actor. As per the police, Palanisamy is booked under sections 188 (Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant), 153A (promoting enmity between different groups), 269 (Negligent act likely to spread infection of disease), 505 (statements conducing to public mischief) and 506 (1) (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Read: 'Jai Bhim': Vanniyar Sangam sends notice to Suriya, seeks apology and ₹ 5 Cr compensation