Patna:The Delhi police on Saturday pasted a notice on the Jehanabad house of the Jahangirpuri violence accused Raja Ansari as he remains absconding since the incident. The notice warns the accused Ansari to surrender as soon as he can or face the confiscation of his property and house by the police officials. As informed by the sources, a team of Delhi police reached the fugitive's house late in the evening on Saturday and pasted the warning notice.
The Delhi police team investigating the matter has been on the lookout for Ansari, with the probe also actively extended to the state of Bihar -- Ansari's home state. Based on the preliminary investigation, the officials traced down his Jehanabad address and reached the Fida Hussain Road, in the Nagar police station area for investigation. After finding no concrete hints there, the officials pasted the warning notice. The fugitive, originally from Bihar, had reportedly been living in Delhi for the past several years.