New Delhi:The Delhi Police has arrested two more accused in connection with the communal clashes that broke out in northwest Delhi's Jahangirpuri on April 16 during a procession on Hanuman Jayanti, police said on Monday. The police nabbed Yunus (48), brother of Saleem Chikna who has already been arrested, and Sheikh Salim (22) on Sunday night, they said, adding that both are residents of Jahangirpuri.
With the arrest of the two, the police have nabbed a total of 32 people, including three juveniles, in the case so far. During investigation and analysis of footage from CCTV cameras, it emerged that Yunus was seen distributing swords to the crowd while Salim was seen receiving them from Yunus, a senior police officer said. "Based on the CCTV footage, our team identified both the accused. The duo had absconded soon after the violence but were caught from Jahangirpuri area on Sunday night," he said.
Yunus also has a criminal case registered against him, police said. Analysing the digital evidence of the day the violence broke out, the police have been identifying those involved in the incident, and also using technical surveillance to locate and catch the culprits, officials said. Clashes broke out between two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in Jahangirpuri in the national capital on April 16, leaving eight police personnel and a local resident injured.