Bhopal: A right-wing outfit named 'Jagrut Hindu Manch' lodged a complaint against actress Richa Chadha at TT Nagar police station in Bhopal following her controversial tweet, "Galwan says hi" mocking the Indian Army. Naresh Lakhani, Bhopal convenor of Jagrat Hindu Manch, said, "Richa Chadha has insulted the Indian Army by making this degrading tweet against the Indian Army's valour. Her tweet gave an opportunity to the Pakistani media to mock the Indian Army and I requested Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Home Minister Narottam Mishra to take cognisance of our complaint and order appropriate action against Richa Chadha."
Complaint lodged against Richa Chadha over her controversial tweet
Naresh Lakhani, Bhopal convenor of Jagrat Hindu Manch, said, "Richa Chadha has insulted the Indian Army by making this degrading tweet against the Indian Army's valour. Her tweet gave an opportunity to the Pakistani media to mock the Indian Army.
Also read:Richa Chadha's 'Galwan says hi' tweet shows 'tukde tukde' mindset: MP minister
Earlier in a video statement on Saturday, Narottam Mishra said the actor should learn to differentiate between the Army and cinema. "There is a difference between reel and real life," the minister said, daring Chadha to lead the life of a soldier, who lives in extreme weather conditions to protect the country. "Your comment has hurt the patriots. This comment shows her 'tukde-tukde' mentality. I have received a complaint against her and have sent it to the police for a legal opinion," Mishra said. Chadha is facing severe backlash on Twitter, with netizens, including celebrities, criticising her for mocking the sacrifice of the Indian Armed forces.