New Delhi: Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez on Monday wore a lawyer's robe before entering the Patiala House Court in connection with the Rs 200 crore extortion case involving multimillionaire conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. Wearing the black robe, she tried to dodge the media, who were present in huge numbers outside the court. She moved a regular bail application before the court. The court has now fixed October 22 as the next date of hearing. On this date, the court will hear the arguments on her regular bail plea. The scrutiny of the documents will also be done on the date.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) recently filed its second supplementary charge sheet in which Jacqueline Fernandez has been named as an accused. Jacqueline and another Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi had recorded their statements as witnesses in the case. Earlier, fixed deposits worth Rs 7.2 crore belonging to Fernandez were attached by the ED. The ED termed these gifts and properties as proceeds of crime received by the actresses.