New Delhi: The intelligence agencies gathered information following the interrogation of a few terrorists arrested in Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir recently. "Following interrogation, it was revealed that Pakistan has been desperately trying to re-activate its K2 unit (Kashmir-Khalistan) to create subversive activities in both Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir as well as in other States," a senior official from the intelligence grid told ETV Bharat on Wednesday. In the last 15 days, security agencies have arrested at least two to three hardcore terrorists, who hail from different places in Pakistan.
J&K, Punjab on alert over Pakistan's K2 strategy
The Ministry of Home Affairs has put security agencies in Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab on high alert after intelligence inputs suggested that Pakistan's nefarious design to destabilise peace in India with a new terror outfit named Lashkar-e-Khalsa.
"All of them were active members of Lashkar-e-Toiba or Jaish-e-Mohammad," the official said. It was revealed that the new outfit (Lashkar-e-Khalsa), has been planning to recruit cadres through social media. Earlier, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has revealed that Pakistan-based terror outfits have been radicalising gullible Indian youths through social media like Facebook, Telegram and Snapchat among others.
"This time they are concentrating to recruit new cadres through the use of social media," the intelligence official said. The Lashkar-e-Khalsa is also attempting to recruit gullible Afghan nationals for carrying out subversive activities in different places in India, especially in J&K. "Taking advantage of the present situation in J&K and Punjab, the terror outfits are trying to play with sentiments of a section of people and use such sentiments against India," the official said. Significantly, after getting clues about such development, the NIA is further investigating the matter.