New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has sought a detailed status report from the Crime Branch on a bail plea moved by the accused in the murder case of senior National Conference leader Trilochan Singh Wazir from Jammu and Kashmir. Petitioner Balbir Singh Billa, is accused of the mysterious murder of Wazir in September 2021 in the national capital.
It was approached by the Delhi High Court seeking bail stating that the case against him is fabricated and he is in custody since September 2021. Issuing notice on the matter, Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain, in a recent order, directed the crime branch to file a detailed report on the matter and listed it for further consideration on September 2.
During the hearing, Advocates Harpreet Singh Hora and Jasdeep Singh argued that the investigation is complete and the weapon has been recovered and the accused is in custody for the last 10 months. It was argued that the evidence is deficient in the case and the accused has been implicated falsely in the case.