New Delhi: The Indian Youth Congress, on Tuesday, protested outside the residence of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar against the government's 'failure' to bring back Indian students stranded in war-torn Ukraine. In a statement by IYC, its National President Srinivas BV took a strong jibe at PM Modi and his reaction over the ongoing matter. "The Modi government is giving only 'self-reliant advice' instead of 'help' to thousands of Indians who are stuck between life and death in Ukraine. For the past 5 days, the Modi government in Ukraine is simply driving thousands of children from here to there," he said. He further said that the PM has chosen silence during most of the problems.
"When the migrants were brought on the streets by the unplanned lockdown, they were subjected to atrocities, yet Modi ji remained silent and now even when the students trapped in Ukraine are being subjected to atrocities, he is just silent," he said, adding that the PM has made no comments whatsoever over the atrocities being done to the Indian students in Ukraine. "PM Modi, who claims to increase the strength of India's passport, is silent on the excesses and atrocities being committed against Indian students in Ukraine. The crisis of students trapped in Ukraine is not decreasing. The government is really busy building its image instead of helping them. What could be more shameful than this? The PM is busy campaigning, while the children are stricken in war-torn Ukraine," he said.