New Delhi: While celebrating Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 71st birthday, Indian Youth Congress (IYC) and All India Mahila Congress took a jibe by terming September 17 as national unemployment and inflation day. They also alleged that due to the 'wrong' policies of his government, people are facing severe crisis due to unemployment and inflation at the same time.
Connaught Place and Raisina Road in Delhi witnessed different modes of birthday celebrations. Youth Congress workers took out a demonstration from Raisina road, carrying a banner of almost 200 metres long with pictures of unemployed youth. Meanwhile, huge cut-outs of essential commodities with skyrocketing prices was the highlight of Mahila Congress workers' march at the inner circle of Connaught Place.
While speaking to ETV Bharat, Youth Congress Media in-charge Rahul Rao said, "This government is known for its anti-people policies. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised people during elections that he will provide employment to two crore people every year. This means that more than 14 crore people should have been employed in the last seven years. But instead of this, almost 20 crore people have lost their jobs due to his ill-fated policies." Rao claimed that the "unemployed" youngsters are united now and have resolved to hit the streets to raise their demand for employment.