New Delhi: Ahead of the upcoming UP Assembly elections, preparations are in full swing with BJP calling a two-day meeting of MPs from Uttar Pradesh in New Delhi. The meeting will also be attended by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Speaking over the issue, BJP MP from Ayodhya Lallu Singh said that the meeting called in by the BJP in the national capital is a regular meeting and does not have any agenda.
In an exclusive interaction with ETV Bharat, Singh said that it is a tradition that when the Parliament runs, BJP holds a meeting and the UP Chief Minister comes and meets the MPs. On being asked about the anti-incumbency factor against the Uttar Pradesh government, the Ayodhya MP said that that there is no anti-incumbency in the state as the people are happy with the works done by the Yogi government.
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"The allegations made by the opposition will not change the opinion of people," he claimed. Reacting to if BJP will seek votes in the upcoming polls over the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya, the BJP MP said that the issue of the construction of Ram temple has lasted for decades.