Raipur (Chhattisgarh):An army officer and a police official were killed in a gunfight with the Naxals near ITBP Camp Kademeta, a bordering area of Dantewada in Chhattisgarh on Friday. Assistant Commandant Sudhakar Shinde and Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Gurmukh lost their lives in the line of duty, official sources informed the media."Assistant Commandant Sudhakar Shinde and ASI Gurumukh Singh suffered bullets injuries and both were martyred. The said spot is south to Narayanpur (56 km) and 1 km from ITBP Kadenar camp," the source said.
ITBP commandant, ASI killed by naxals in Chhattisgarh
An officer of the Indo Tibetan Border Police and a police official were killed in a gunfight with the naxals near ITBP Camp Kademeta, a bordering area of Dantwada in Chhattisgarh on Friday.
According to IGP Bastar, Sundar Raj, the incident took place around 12.10 pm near Kademeta camp of the ITBP's 45th battalion, under Chhotedongar police station limits. As per the preliminary information, personnel from the ITBP's 45th battalion were fired upon by a small action team of the ultras when they were out on an area domination operation. The shooting took place approximately 600 metres away from the camp, he said. After the attack, the Naxals also looted belongings of the ITBP and escaped with one AK-47 rifle, two bullet-proof jackets and one wireless set of the security personnel, he said.